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Baby Acne

Home Remedies for Burns

By naturalremedies at 2009-02-24 00:21:15
There are many different kinds of burns. Burns can be caused by heat, cold, steam, light, radiation, friction, electric, chemicals, the sun, etc. With any type of burn, there is damage to the skin which is, in essence, a wound that needs to be healed and repaired during proper treatment.

Causes of Burns:

Burns are most commonly caused by exposure to flames, hot objects, hot liquids (scalds), or radiation (e.g. sunburn). Electrical burns are less common, but are potentially more serious, as the depth of the burn is usually greater than is apparent, and cardiac arrhythmias may occur.

There are different causes of burns such as electrical, radiation (i.e. the sun), chemical, and heat. Severity of burns is noted by age of the victim (children or the elderly), location (head, genitals, neck, hands, or feet), if the burn has more than one body area of coverage, the depth of the burn, and burns that cause difficulty in breathing. Electrical, explosive, or chemical-related burns are also considered more severe in nature.

Classification of Burns:

Burns are classified in order of their severity and involvement in the tissues of the body; the classifications are: first, second and third degree burns. First aid for burns is specific to the burn injury. First aid for burns varies slightly from the less serious burns to the severe. Second degree burns can be as severe as some third degree burns if they cover a major portion of the body, or on tender areas of the arms, hands and feet.

Symptoms of Burns:

Depending on the severity or "degree", burns affect various layers of the skin and tissue. Relatively minor first degree burns affect the outermost layer of skin and typically cause redness, swelling, pain and a burning sensation in and around the affected area. Second degree burns involve two or more layers of skin, and in addition to redness, swelling, burning and pain, can also result in blistering. Third degree burns describe an injury to all layers of the skin, as well as to some tissue beneath. And finally, burns deep enough to damage muscles, ligaments, nerves and bone are classified as fourth degree burns.

Treatment of Burns:

1] Manuka Honey contains healing properties found in the nectar of a particular floral source, indigenous to New Zealand. Manuka Honey is effective in treating burns for several reasons.

2] COOL WATER has a soothing effect on a burn as it assists in decreasing the temperature of the wound. Submerge the burned area in cold water for fifteen to thirty minutes, and later apply ice.

3] PAPAYA slices or pulp applied directly to the wound helps in the removal of dead cells.

4] ALOE VERA gel smoothed onto a burn or sunburn cools the skin and helps in healing.

5] Take care of not to break any blisters. They are nature's protective coating.

6] Taking certain supplements may help the body with the healing process. These include: B complex, beta-carotene, C, calcium & magnesium, D, E, potassium, selenium, and zinc. A high calorie, high protein diet is also recommended.

Read About Home Remedies also Read about Home Remedies for Burns and Home Remedies for Bursitis
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